As Christmas approaches, we adults turn to kids again and bake Christmas cookies with the best flavours, here is the first example, which represents me : Cinnamon Christmas cookies (original recipe from my grandma Sergali): Ingredients for a big family: 8.81oz of flour 8.81oz of grinded and toasted nuts 8.81oz of brown sugar 2 eggs 1 egg yolk 7oz of butter (cold from the fridge) toasted almonds + sugar + cinnamon for decoration 1) Whisk well the biscuit dough and put it in the fridge for 1 h 2) Unroll the dough and shape the biscuit dough in the favourite moulds. 3) Put the cookiesREAD MORE

INGREDIENTS:     21.16 oz approx. cold water 14.11 oz approx. buckwheat flour 10.58 oz approx. tumminia flour 10.58 oz approx. Type 1 Molino Grassi 0.88 oz yeast 1 teaspoon of honey 1 pinch of salt 100 g of warm water 17.64 oz approx. fresh cherrytomatoes mixed black and green olives without core and little capers to pleasure cold-pressed olive oil , salt and oregano to taste METHOD: In a separate bowl, dissolve the yeast with 3.52 oz of warm water, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 pinch of salt, a bit of cold-pressed olive oil. Let the honey work with the yeast, dissolve everything wellREAD MORE

GNUDI TOSCANI OF MY SCHOOL FRIEND LORENZA PORINELLI:     INGREDIENTS: 17.64 oz of cooked spinach well drained and chopped 14.11 oz of cottage cheese or the one you prefer 2 eggs 4 full tablespoons of parmesan cheese salt and nutmeg to taste flour to pleasure to obtain a dough less mushy     1) Mix everything well, after washing, cooking and squeezing well and cutting the spinaches. 2) Feel free to use your hands and make small balls and flour. 3) Add flour if the dough should be still soft and squishy (and sieve ricotta cheese before mixing with the rest) 4) Dip themREAD MORE

INGREDIENTS FOR 10 PERSONS   18 oz of minced veal meat 9 oz of minced turkey meat 3.5 oz of speck ham 3.5 oz parmesan cheese 1 egg 4.40 oz of brigante cheese from Sardinia 2.11/2.47 oz of softened bread into a bit of milk (keep it  the milk 10 minutes to soften) 1) Mix in a bowl all ingredients finely cut bacon, parmesan cheese, egg, brigante cheese from Sardinia and soften bread into some milk (5/10min) 2) Obtain from the dough your delicious meatballs which you will put in a large dish. Add some flour on a shallow dish and use another one with paper kitchenREAD MORE

millefoglie di baccala' aromatizzato all'aneto, allora, ed alla mela-giuliasdelikatessen

  INGREDIENTS FOR SINGLE PORTION: 3.53 oz of puff pastry 1/4 of onion 2.83 oz of milk 2.83/3.53 oz of softened salt cod dill and then to taste pomegranate to taste extra virgin olive oil to taste METHOD: Stir fry the onion with enough extra virgin olive oil and place on the non-stick frying pan the cod fillet. Drizzle until the milk is covered, and add a few sheets of laurel and a few leaves of dill to flavor. Cook over very low heat for a maximum of 2 hours (induction fire at 4 max), turning the cod fillet from time to time. Turn offREAD MORE

caprese con cioccolato bianco gluten

INGREDIENTS FOR A 9.44 INCH MOLD: 7.05 oz of finely cut almonds 3.174 oz of finely grated white chocolate. 1.06 oz of starch 0.40 oz of 5 Petra flour (or flour gluten-free buckwheat) 0.61 oz of yeast 3.53 oz of rice oil (or olive oil) 6.35 oz of whole cane sugar 8.81 oz of eggs 0.64 oz of grated lemon zest + half lemon juice 0.11 oz of vanilla salt. Mold 9.44 inch INGREDIENTS FOR A 7.08 INCH MOLD: 5.29 oz of finely cut almonds 4.23 oz of finely grated white chocolate. 1.41 oz of starch 0.53 oz of 5 Petra flour (or flour gluten-freeREAD MORE

polpo in insalata con

OCTOPUS SALAD  COOKED IN PAN WITH BOILED POTATOES: INGREDIENTS: 35.27  oz  of fresh octopus 1 large shallot 2 packages of chive 1 generous glass of prosecco 1/2 cup of water salt, extra virgin olive oil to taste 4 large potatoes some marjoram leaves for decoration 1) Finelly cut shallot and chive and cook with some extra virgin olive oil and a generous glass of prosecco then add octopus that was already cooked,  keep it in the pan no more than 15 minutes at medium fire. 2) Add 1/2 cup of water to prevent the octopus to stick to the pan. 3) Add to your panREAD MORE

POTATOES PATE’ OF MY GOOD VENETIAN FRIEND MANUELA SESSA INGREDIENTS: 35.27 oz of potatoes 1 large tin of tuna 2 large tablespoons of capers 2 tablespoons of good ready mayonnaise 6 hard-boiled eggs and some organic cherry tomatoes for decoration 1) Boil the potatoes and then squeeze to puree and place in a bowl separately 2) Blend the tuna, then place it in a bowl, mix then capers alone, and then add them to the bowl where the minced tuna is and stir by hand with the mayonnaise .(to taste even the parsley) 3) Join mashed potatoes to the rest of the ingredients and formREAD MORE

INGREDIENTS for 10 crepes approx: 8.18 oz of flour 2 whole eggs 1/2 liter of milk 1 pinch of salt for the dough :  mix well all the ingredients, first the liquids: the eggs, incorporate 1/2 liter of milk into the eggs very slowly, then add the pinch of salt Lastly the sifted flour. When you achieve a smooth but full-bodied dough, start to heat the low pan for non-stick crepes with a knob of butter, and continue to cook the crepes once, being careful to brown them on both sides Always make sure that they become rather thin and not thick. FOR THE STUFFING:READ MORE

RECIPE FROM MY AUNT OLGA INGREDIENTS: 5/6 royal gala apples cut into slices 1 pinch of salt 4.23 oz of sifted flour 3.53 oz of brown sugar 3 eggs (if they are big enough even 2) 3.53 oz of fresh soft butter (which is melted in the pan in the oven with breadcrumbs or chopped hazelnuts) 1/2 packet of baking powder 1/2 cup of warm milk handful of dried raisins (softened in hot water and squeezed) and pine nuts sautéed first in the pan for decoration over apples 1) Heat the oven to 356 F with the cake tin containing 3.53 oz of butter cutREAD MORE

MONDEGHILI (TYPICAL MILANESE MEATBALLS WITH THICK RIB OF BEEF AND LIVER MORTADELLA HAM): INGREDIENTS: 10.58 oz of beef thick rib 1 egg 2.83 oz of liver mortadella 4.58 oz of bread crumbs 2.83 oz of whole milk 0.71 oz of grana padano 1 lemon zest untreated 1 white onion 1 celery 1 carrot black pepper to taste nutmeg to taste 0.18 oz of chopped parsley salt to taste black pepper to taste breading: 8 tablespoons of bread crumbs and 8.81 oz of butter 1) Put in a saucepan with salted water, celery and carrot cut into coarse pieces, onion with cloves and bring to aREAD MORE

INGREDIENTS 4 eggs 8.81 oz of sugar 1 teaspoon of baking powder 3.53 oz of butter 17.64 oz of flour 7.04 oz of almonds: mix of peeled almonds and unpeeled almonds (hand-cut to halves) BAKING: 25 minutes at 356°F 1) Mix well all the ingredients, add finally the flour, the yeast and the almonds. 2) Form two long salami dough on average low and lined with film (allow to rest 1 h in the fridge) 3) Then remove and cook in the oven at least 25 minutes at 356F on the lower shelf of the oven. 4) Make sure the dough will be well cookedREAD MORE

budino al limone senza

INGREDIENTS for 6 people 3 organic lemons 3 tablespoons of cornstarch 0.16 gallon of milk 0.05 gallon of water 7.76  oz of  sugar Preparation 30 min Cooking 20 min Difficulty: medium 1) Melt 9.87 oz of sugar in water over a low heat. Take a lemon, wash well, dry and cut into thin slices. 2) When sugar is melted, add the lemon slices and let them caramelize for about 20 min. 3) Wash the other lemons, remove the skin and filter the juice. 4) In another saucepan pour the milk, the remaining brown sugar and the lemon skin. Bring to boil. 5) In a bowl,READ MORE

INGREDIENTS FOR PASTA DOUGH 8.81 oz of regrinded semolina 4.58 oz all purpose flour or better type 1 160 ml of warm water 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil Salt to taste INGREDIENTS FOR FILLING: 24.69 oz of red potatoes 0.14 oz of fresh mint leaves 4.94 oz of fresh sheep cheese (brigante) 4.23 oz of seasoned sheep cheese (Fiore Sardo) 1/2 cup of extravirgin olive oil 2 cloves of garlic The preparation of the stuffing will take place the day before preparation: 1) Allow the garlic to marinate in the oil for a day. 2) Cook the potatoes in plenty of water andREAD MORE

AUTHOR : PIXELICIOUS PREPARATION TIME:  20 min COOKING TIME: 15 min  INGREDIENTS FOR 32 SALTY BISCUITS: 5.64 oz of fresh goat cheese or as you wish also cream cheese 3.53 oz of wild smoked salmon (or in alternative tuna, swordfish, or smoked trout) 0.52 oz of extravirgin olive oil 1 egg 3.53 oz of flour type 1 (organic) 20 fine steams of chive 20 0.88 oz of peanuts (I personally prefer them to nuts) a pinch of salt 1) Whisk goat cheese cream with egg in a bowl; add flour, chopped chive, toasted peanuts and salt together with the wild smoked salmon cut to little cubes.READ MORE